Dial-a-Doc Example

Consulting via Telemedicine
In past MedicalAutomation.org conferences, we have heard from telemedicine practitioners at the high end (Guardian 24/7 in Leesburg, VA) and low end (Doc Talker, Vienna, VA) of care services. The greatest growth appears to be at the low end where, for a modest fee, patients with common ailments can call in and get a diagnosis and prescription. This piece describes another low end example, “ISelectMD,” on Hilton Head Island, SC. For $25, a person can speak with a doctor (among a cadre of 200 physicians rotating on 24/7 service via a call center) often resulting in a quick and convenient resolution for a not-too-serious medical problem. Payment is out-of-pocket, but Medicaid supports telemed consultations. MORE
Image Credit: MedCityNews.com