Avian Retrotransposon for Inserting Corrective Genes into the Human Genome
Avian retrotransposon for inserting corrective genes into the human genome.
“Here, we [at UC Berkeley] describe precise RNA-mediated insertion of transgenes [MORE]
Inhalable Exosomes Deliver IL-12 for Treating Lung Cancer
Inhalable exosomes deliver IL-12 lung cancer treatments
“Scientists [at Columbia University] have discovered a way to use inhalable exosomes to deliver [MORE]
Some AI Applications in Healthcare
AI-powered “smart hospital”
Artificial intelligence is slowly seeping into every nook and cranny of healthcare: here are a few examples—natural language [MORE]
Bespoke Brain-Cell Implants
Replacement brain cells, grown to order
“Damaged brain tissue can possibly be re-grown using a new method that lets researchers guide [MORE]
T-Cell Therapy Approved for Aggressive Melanoma
Solid tumor breakthrough? Cell therapy for melanoma FDA-approved in first
“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted accelerated approval to [MORE]
Lab Grown Testis
Towards a “Testis in a Dish”- generation of mouse testicular organoids
“Here, we [at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel] generated testis [MORE]
Light-Triggered Device Instead of Pacemakers
Tiny light-activated device could replace pacemakers
“A tiny light-triggered device that is thinner than a human hair can be used to [MORE]
Future of Biomedical Engineering
Grand challenges at the interface of cngineering and medicine
“. . . five grand challenges with cross-cutting themes and provided a [MORE]
Research Opportunity: Microplastics in Human Tissues
Microplastics found in every human placenta tested in study
“Microplastics [according to a new study from the University of New Mexico] [MORE]
Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
Bioinert, biocompatible UHPLC offers superior reliability
“In quantitative analysis of biomolecules, adsorption of the target compound to a metal surface can [MORE]
“The Lawnmower,” a Molecular Engine
First synthetic protein motor creates its own fuel as it ‘mows
Researchers at Simon Fraser University and Lund University researchers “have [MORE]
Polygenic Risk Scores for 10 Diseases
Polygenic risk scores for 10 diseases
“From an initial list of 23 conditions, ten were selected for implementation based on PRS [MORE]
Change in AD Biomarkers over Time
Trajectory of Alzheimer’s biomarkers tracked in major study
“Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease are present early, and their levels evolve over time, [MORE]
Melting Curve Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens in Blood
Bloodborne pathogens quickly ID’d by melting their DNA
“[Researchers] from the University of California San Diego have . . . . [MORE]