Polygenic score to predict obesity risk
Researchers at the Broad Institute have developed a polygenic test that could be given to [MORE]
DNA Multigenic risk score
Polygenic risk scores may become as routine as cholesterol screening. To that end, researchers at the Broad [MORE]
Small Intestine Cellular Composition
Quoting directly: “The lining or epithelium of the gut is one of the body’s most diverse and [MORE]
The Broad Institute’s pioneering lab for gene editing has developed a version of CRISPR that permits reversible RNA editing. “The [MORE]
Single Cell RNA Sequencing
In order to map a brain, investigators have to show different cells types, and differences in each [MORE]
Gene Editing
Scientists at the Broad Institute, who were involved in the technology of CRISPR gene editing, have developed another molecular [MORE]
Cardiovascular System
Immunologists, among others, know that a single gene mutation can have seemingly unrelated expressions, such as Ataxia telangiectasia presenting [MORE]
T Cells
Big science projects like the Human Genome, the Human Proteome and the Human Brain Atlas, have certain technologies in [MORE]
MIT Professors Collins and Zhang SHERLOCK Developers
CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing has been thought to be most useful in altering DNA, rather [MORE]
Those in the know must be saying “CRISPR-Cas9” is “so yesterday.” This remarkable gene editing technology has shot like [MORE]
In a paper titled “Systematic Identification of Genomic Markers of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Cells,” a research group from [MORE]
A recent study reported on the importance of DNA copy number variations-both duplications and deletions on chromosomes-in causing cancers. Indeed, [MORE]
Mexico a "Genomic Metling Pot"
Like the “Human Genome,” the “Mexican Genome” is an intellectual artifact, reflecting the broad strokes [MORE]
Los Angeles philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad, who originally donated $200m to create the Broad Institute at Harvard and [MORE]