As if You Couldn’t Guess about Waiting in the ED
Not long ago, a Richmond, VA hospital used RTLS tags to query their Emergency Department’s claim of 90% adherence to a 30 minute “door to doc” performance. Real time location tags on incoming patients showed that performance was somewhat less than that: actually, it was zero. This surprised the ED management as much as anyone, as they supposed the process moved quickly, and when the actual times were shown, adjustments started moving the bar higher. Two researchers at Yale reported recently reported that, in their survey of more than 150,000 ED visits, waiting times were lengthening, which they attributed to rising patient volume, outmoded triage, physician biases, inefficient processes, and lack of inpatient beds. The target times for emergent patients was 0 to 14 minutes; for nonurgent cases, 2 to 24 hours. MORE