Using Technology to Connect Acute Care and Community Services to Reduce Costs and Improve Outcomes for Older Americans
This presentation by the Executive Vice President of MedAssets focuses on the costs of care for chronic illness in older [MORE]

The Anatomy and Physiology of Healthcare Reform: Taking Stock in American Political Theater…
Dr. Fickenscher will provide an overview of the six major forces that are precipitating the conversation on reform [MORE]

Integrated Process Management Information Technology: The Next Generation in Medical Efficiency
There is a need for significant overhaul of current medical information technology to better support the complex processes of healthcare [MORE]

Systematic Savings, Improved Access, Greater Availability & a Free eHealth Infrastructure: Possible? Yes
Globally healthcare systems are struggling to meet demand for services while trying to focus on quality improvements. Access to healthcare [MORE]

The Technology Enabled Nurse
Learning objectives:
Identify technologies that demonstrate value by transforming delivery of nursing care.
Describe three or more [MORE]

Telemedicine: The Reality of the Most Overlooked Tool of Healthcare – Challenging The Mandatory Face-to-Face Visit
The presentation will offer a look at the deployment of telemedicine, specifically telephone calls, and how this tactic can reduce [MORE]

Business Model Innovation in Healthcare
Rapid technological advances, regulatory reform, and the new science of personalized medicine are the three primary factors driving [MORE]

Bridging the Valley of Death, Medical Genetics 2.0, and other Tales of Translational Genomics Research
Holistic molecular scanning of individuals has become a robust strategy to develop new ways to effectively diagnose and treat disease. [MORE]

21st Century Healthcare: Engineers Wanted
In 1980, the Russian Institute of Eye Microsurgery pioneered the ‘conveyer surgery method’ (1)- wherein several surgeons perform different parts [MORE]