Printing personalised pharmaceutical tablets
“In this paper we [at University of Nottingham, UK] demonstrate how two dissimilar materials, one water soluble [MORE]
The Human Immunome Project
“As data collection progresses, HIP will begin to develop AI models—first predictive, then mechanistic—that will deepen our [MORE]
DNA sequencing methods- from Sanger to NGS
“DNA sequencing has come a long way since its inception in the 1970s. A [MORE]
Dimensions of Wellness
“Global wellness drew $5.6 trillion in revenue in 2022 and is poised to generate $8.5 trillion by 2027, [MORE]
Personalized medicine – the pros, cons and concerns
“Legally, a physician is negligent when they fail to follow generally accepted practice. [MORE]
Updating cancer research with patient-focused networks
“We have implemented a network of 18 hospitals, with a backbone of a biobank and [MORE]
The 10 highest value R&D projects in biopharma
MAIN rarely includes pieces about the business of big pharma, but this item [MORE]
Organoids could guide personalized therapy for head and neck cancers
“Since most head and neck cancer patients relapse, and there is [MORE]
Toward precision medicine for anxiety disorders.
“We (Indiana University School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry) endeavored to discover blood biomarkers for [MORE]
Liquid biopsies to monitor and direct treatment of colorectal cancer
Most interest in liquid biopsies has focused on less invasive disease [MORE]
Personalized blood test to determine risk of lung cancer returning
“A new study funded by Cancer Research UK has shown that [MORE]
3D-printed tablets offer taste of personalized seven-second medicine
“One of the many promising uses for 3D printing is the creation of [MORE]
“Experts hope that multi-organ chips will eventually lead to the creation of patient-on-a-chip technology. This precise approach would entail creating [MORE]
Robotic surgery with CORI for knee replacements
“The CORI system enables every patient to have a knee replacement that is shape [MORE]