Photothermal Blade Technology for Mitochondrial Diseases
Ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, myoclonic epilepsy, and diabetes mellitus with deafness are some of the disorders known as mitochondrial diseases. With a new technology developed at UCLA called “photothermal blade” it is possible to transfer wild-type mitochondria into cells that are deficient in these energy producing organelles. “The photothermal nanoblade utilizes a pulsed laser triggered at ultrafast speed enabling a cell membrane opening coupled with a pressure-driven cargo transport system to deliver extremely large cargo into cells. High transfer efficiency and high cell viability can be achieved for micron-sized cargo such as mitochondria. The commercial prototype, developed by NanoCAV, LLC, a NantWorks subsidiary, can perform high-throughput delivery into 100,000 cells in a few minutes.” MORE
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