Light-pushed robot
Here’s an update on “Fantastic Voyage.” “Engineers at University of Los Angles have come up with a tiny new [MORE]
Post-surgery healing gel
A collaboration between researchers at UCLA, UNC and two Chinese universities has “developed an in situ formed immunotherapeutic [MORE]
T Cells
According to this piece, researchers at UCLA’s dental school were able to create soft, flexible microparticles that mimic functional [MORE]
Measuring the Strength of Macrophages
A new high-throughput device measures cell strength—important information for determining drug efficacy for hypertension, asthma, muscular [MORE]
Cellphone DNA Detector
Bioengineers at UCLA recently found that adding a chemical, hydroxynaphthol blue, to the intercalator dyes that detect certain [MORE]
Uric Acid Crystals
If people don’t die before reaching their hundredth birthday, they enter an especially healthy demographic cohort except for [MORE]
Ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, myoclonic epilepsy, and diabetes mellitus with deafness are some of the disorders known as mitochondrial diseases. With [MORE]
Neurons Controlling Sighing
A sigh may be a fundament thing of life, as time goes by, but here is an illustration [MORE]
NanoVelcro Chip
Researchers at the California NanoSystems Institute (Los Angeles) have developed a nanochip device for capturing circulating tumor cells in [MORE]
UCLA hospitals and Seattle-based ActX, a consumer genomics company, are collaborating to put genomic test results into UCLA’s Epic Medical [MORE]
Nano Velcro
Pharmacology scientists at UCLA’s Nanosystems Institute have developed a cell isolation system that uses thermoresponsive “nano-velcro” (actually, a postage [MORE]
Google Glasses
Here’s the scenario: someone (doctor, nurse, medtech) wearing Google Glasses takes a picture of a rapid diagnostic test strip [MORE]
Portable Device for Kidney Problems
Nano engineers at UCLA have developed a device that attaches to a smartphone for measuring [MORE]
It seems too simple that a single peptide could be the key to human happiness, but psychiatric researchers at [MORE]