Ratio of singleton vs. non-singleton bacteria in human microbiome
The human genome comprises about 20,000 genes, but that pales by comparison [MORE]
DNA Sequencing Technology
Earlier this year, Tagline carried a story about “desktop sequencing” based on Ion Torrent’s semi-conductor approach which [MORE]
Ion Torrent Chip to Sequence DNA
In the race to realize “the $1,000 genome,” a small sequencing company, Ion Torrent [MORE]
Holistic molecular scanning of individuals has become a robust strategy to develop new ways to effectively diagnose and treat disease. [MORE]
Genome Sequencing
As genome sequencing technology becomes faster and cheaper, researchers such as Elaine Mardis, at Washington University School of Medicine [MORE]
DNA Consumer Genomic
With the cost of genome sequencing dropping by 10,000-fold since 2005, and the $1,000 genome now almost within [MORE]
Last week’s Tagline reported on Knome’s (Cambridge, MA) customized sequencing that’s now available for $350k/genome. This week, Complete Genomics [MORE]