MUSING – Bringing About Change
It’s a good bet that many people in healthcare took up their calling because of a personal tragedy. The [MORE]

Automating the Clinical Laboratory
Question submitted by Carlo Gasperoni: Which is the clinical analysis laboratory throughput (tubes/h or tubes/day or tests/year) to [MORE]

MUSING – Where-Oh-Where Is My Clinic and My Doctor?
The recent launch of ShopKick iPhone app (application) allows stores to know when you ( a potential customer) has arrived [MORE]

MUSING – The Trek Desk: Exercise, Work, and Lose Weight
An increase in sedentary work has contributed to bulging bodies. People struggle making time to exercise, and many complain of [MORE]

MUSING – Medicare Break Even
PL 111-148-the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010-begins the most significant revamping of healthcare since [MORE]

MUSING – The Autonomous Hospital
The Defense Department has been doing R&D work on autonomous vehicles-remotely controlled tanks, pilotless “Predator” aircraft and the like. Largest [MORE]

MUSING – Hypertension and the Chinese: Impact of Genetic Disease on the World’s Largest Population
Invisible Health Risks on a Grandiose Scale
They have no symptoms, but hypertension and salt sensitivity will be the eventual cause [MORE]

MUSING – Genomic Screening of Newborns
Mandatory genetic screening is a hot button issue in healthcare politics. Possibly, most Americans would oppose widespread genomic [MORE]

MUSING – The Howze Effect

Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen coined “disruptive innovation” in 1997 to signifying something that unexpectedly changes a market. The glucose meter, [MORE]

Join the Discussion – The Impact of Robotics on Healthcare

Christian Klit Johansen
Question: Will robotics and automation of service task help meet the challenge of the demographic change world wide [MORE]

MUSING – Kiosk-Based Healthcare Delivery

Medication Kiosk – PharmaTrust
Kiosk-based medicine has suddenly taken a new step with the next wave in direct to consumer marketing [MORE]

MUSING – Automation as a Bridge
Whether or not healthcare insurance reform proceeds in Congress, true healthcare reform is proceeding. Its sources are molecular [MORE]

MUSING – The Community Hospital
Community hospitals make up the vast majority (86%) of hospitals in the US and account for more than a half [MORE]

MUSING – The Transcendental Mrs. Lacks
Personalized medicine evokes “big science”- large research grants, geonomic and proteomic instruments, bioinformatics data mining, individually “tailored” therapeutics, a slew [MORE]