Lab on a Glove

May 16, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

ACS Lab on a Glove
Quoting this piece: “A recent study published in the journal ACS Sensors describes a novel flexible, [MORE]

Ingestible X-Ray Pill

October 25, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Check-Cap Ingestible Imaging Capsule
GE Healthcare and Check-Cap (Isfiya, Israel) are collaborating to create a imaging pill (somewhat similar to Medtronic’s [MORE]

The Netherlands’ IOT

October 18, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

The Internet of Things
Being able to monitor switch configuration in The Netherlands’ railroad service, locating luggage at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, [MORE]

Smart Sutures for Wireless Data Collection

August 30, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Smart Sutures
Quoting directly, “A team of engineers [at Tufts University] has developed a novel 3-dimensional thread-based diagnostic platform that, when [MORE]

Video Enabled Toothbrush

July 26, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

ONVI Prophix Video Toothbrush
Chicago-based startup ONVI has announced that its video enabled toothbrush, “Prophix,” will go on sale next year [MORE]

AT&T’s “Foundry” for Telemedicine

July 19, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

AT&T-Houston Health Foundry
The Texas Medical Center in Houston is the world’s largest medical complex with “21 hospitals, 13 support organizations, [MORE]

Dissolvable Brain Sensor Implant

April 12, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Neurosurgeons Developed Dissolvable Brain Sensor Implant
Neurosurgeons at Washington University of St. Louis have developed a tiny implantable temperature and pressure [MORE]

A “Pillforge” for Ingestible Capsule Diagnostics

January 19, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wireless Module
Engineers at Vanderbilt University‘s Institute for Software Integrated Systems say this about designing a general diagnostic pill for the [MORE]

Miniature Blood Monitoring Device Fits on Drainage Tube

January 12, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Monitoring Critical Blood Levels
Patients in intensive care units usually are surrounded by a forest of monitoring and fluid handling equipment. [MORE]

Implantable Gastric Monitoring Chip

December 1, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

Gastric Implant
Indigestion, cramps, malnutrition and endocrine disorders are some of the consequences of gastric dysrhythmias and there are no good [MORE]

Printing “Smart Skin”

November 10, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

Some stories are fetching just because they are so fetching. This is one of those, about electrical engineers at Georgia [MORE]

Implantable Biosensor for Cancer Monitoring

November 3, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

Cancer Monitoring Sensor
How can imaging tell if a tumor is enlarging from malignant growth or getting bigger because of an [MORE]

Implantable Heart Sensor to Monitor Cardiac Patients

September 15, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

CardioMEMS System
Last year, St. Jude Medical (Minneapolis, MN) acquired Atlanta-based CardioMEMS and subsequently won FDA approval for an implantable heart [MORE]

Knee Brace that Generated Electricity as it Flexes

September 15, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

Energy Generating Knee Brace
Electrical engineers at Rice University have built an electrical generator that attaches to a knee brace and [MORE]