Insurer Aetna estimates the average cost of a hospital ER visit for asthma to be around $6,000. With that [MORE]
The rapid implementation of novel cost saving and quality improving health care technologies is hindered by skepticism from insurance [MORE]
Home Health Home
Note the numbers in this piece about the value of home telehealth monitoring: 35-56 percent reduction in [MORE]
2011 was a jubilee year-50th anniversary-for two seemingly unrelated aspirations: manned space exploration and wellness. In May 1961, [MORE]
UK Protestor
Americans are used to hearing politicians say how faulty healthcare delivery is in the UK under its National [MORE]
Commissioned by the Society of Actuaries in Schaumberg, IL, and completed by consultants with Milliman in Seattle, the report used [MORE]
Medication Kiosk – PharmaTrust
Kiosk-based medicine has suddenly taken a new step with the next wave in direct to consumer marketing [MORE]
On the eve of national healthcare reform, the Joint Commission’s 2008 report Guiding Principles for the Development of the [MORE]
This presentation by the Executive Vice President of MedAssets focuses on the costs of care for chronic illness in older [MORE]
Globally healthcare systems are struggling to meet demand for services while trying to focus on quality improvements. Access to healthcare [MORE]
At one end of the medical spectrum is heroic surgery and molecular miracles. At the other end is billing and [MORE]
Apropos to this year’s Medical Automation International Conference, a recent report presents cost figures for eldercare between 1996 and 2006. [MORE]
“Can the value of the services provided by mobile health programs be quantified in terms of quality adjusted life years [MORE]
Retail clinics, which seemed to be growing exponentially not long ago, have slowed in their openings, but another branch of [MORE]