MUSING – iRemedy: A Simple Cure to an Old Problem
Studies have shown that consumers are increasingly asking for the ability to communicate with their physician via email or other [MORE]

MUSING – The Healthcare Solution: Looking in All the Wrong Places
Aging boomers provide the catalyst for a more aggressive consumer participant approach to their health. The Internet gave them the [MORE]

MUSING – Healthcare Systems See a Compelling Need for Operational Intelligence
Successful healthcare delivery networks must adapt to the increasingly challenging financial environment to achieve their fundamental mission of providing high [MORE]

MUSING – Entropy and the Exploding Hospital
We are often asked as healthcare architects “What is the hospital of the future?” Perhaps the question is best posed [MORE]

MUSING – Automated Billing Analysis
Everyone knows that someone pays for healthcare, whether it’s the government, an insurer, an individual, or the provider. But it [MORE]

Is it time to change the way we educate engineers in America? About 20 private engineering colleges around the U.S. [MORE]

MUSING – The Medical Home at Home
Telemedicine has been defined as the technology version of the “Dr. Marcus Welby house call” but replaced with a [MORE]

MUSING – Parallel Jubilees
2011 was a jubilee year-50th anniversary-for two seemingly unrelated aspirations: manned space exploration and wellness. In May 1961, [MORE]

Ultrasound – Future of the Technology

High intensity, focused ultrasound will become an increasingly useful surgical tool.

Artificial Intelligence, Medical Robotics and Medical Automation Education
Much of medical decision making is matching symptoms with known diseases. Thus artificial intelligence (AI) will certainly make this process more efficient…

MUSING – The Communication Barrier
In the classic 1967 film, Cool Hand Luke, the captain utters the immortal words, “What we have here is a [MORE]

MUSING – Doctor, The Patient Will See You Now…
Andrew Schorr’s recent book, The Web-Savvy Patient: An Insider’s Guide to Navigating the Internet When Facing Medical Crisis, chronicles [MORE]

MUSING – The Healthcare Solution: Looking in All the Wrong Places
Aging boomers provide the catalyst for a more aggressive consumer participant approach to their health. The Internet gave them the [MORE]

MUSING – Bringing About Change
It’s a good bet that many people in healthcare took up their calling because of a personal tragedy. The [MORE]