HCP handles a case of Fakebeter
“Could your diabetes doctor or nurse pass the Fakebetes Challenge? Here’s what one participant, Heidi [MORE]
Glysens Diabetic Monitor
With the diabetic population growing almost exponentially, more effective monitoring is a pot of gold at the [MORE]
Most patients at risk for osteoporosis have an x-ray assessment (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, or DXA) of their bone mineral [MORE]
One of the advantages electronic medical records offer is the computerized screening of a patient’s data for undiagnosed illness. [MORE]
Pituitary Cells
This is one of those things that is almost inconceivable until it happens: scientists at Japan’s RIKEN Center for [MORE]
Medtronic "Enlite"
Last November, Medtronic began clinical trials of its “Enlite” sensor that continuously monitors glucose levels over six days. [MORE]
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, a group of public health [MORE]
Researchers at the University of Tokyo’s Life Bio Electromechanical Autonomous Nano Systems Center recently reported in [MORE]
Early Detection of Diabetes Risk
Starting from samples in blood biorepositories, where diabetes outcomes were tracked over time and known, [MORE]
The April 14th issue of Science Translational Medicine has a research article describing how bioengineers at Boston University and [MORE]
Glucose Mobile Phone
In a study Partners Healthcare (Boston) sponsored, more than two-thirds of parents with a diabetic child said they [MORE]
Srinivasa Nagulia, MD, president and CEO of Diabetomics LLC (Beaverton, OR) has developed a proteomic test, based on 65 markers [MORE]
Dr. Heather Clark
Using a material of 120-nm polymer beads containing a fluorescent dye and glucose specific sensing molecules, Heather Clark, [MORE]
A group of researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Bariatric Surgery Clinic have reported finding a link between [MORE]