AI in Mental Health

Identifying mental health disorders with AI
“In the future, patients might go to the hospital with a broken arm and leave the facility with a cast and a note with a compulsory psychiatry session due to flagged suicide risk. That’s what some scientists aim for with their A.I. system developed to catch depressive behavior early on and help reduce the emergence of severe mental illnesses. The machine learning algorithm created at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville uses hospital admissions data, including age, gender, zip code, medication, and diagnostic history, to predict the likelihood of any given individual taking their own life.” This is but one scenario in the ways artificial intelligence might untangle the similar circumstances of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, et al, from saliva and blood biomarkers, to come up with an analysis that already has an 84% prediction accuracy telling which patient will attempt suicide in the next week. MORE
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