Order Now: “exVive” 3-D Printed Human Livers
Organovo (San Diego, CA) recently announced that it is now taking orders for 3-D printed human liver tissue which can be used in drug testing. According to the release: “Organovo’s exVive3D Liver Models are bioprinted, living 3D human liver tissues consisting of primary human hepatocytes, stellate, and endothelial cell types, which are found in native human liver. The exVive3D Liver Models are created using Organovo’s proprietary 3D bioprinting technology that builds functional living tissues containing precise and reproducible architecture. The tissues are functional and stable for at least 42 days, which enables assessment of drug effects over study durations that well beyond those offered by industry-standard 2D liver cell culture systems.” Simply amazing! MORE
Image Credit: Organovo and GizMag.com