Robin Felder Receives UVA Edlich Henderson Innovator of the Year Award
Dr. Robin A. Felder professor of pathology and associate director of clinical chemistry at U.Va has been named the 2012 Edlich-Henderson Innovator of the Year by the University of Virginia Innovation Center. This is the highest honor bestowed on a U.Va. innovator; the award recognizes an individual or team each year whose research is making a “major impact.”
Following his entrepreneurial visions, Dr. Felder has launched nine companies out of the University over the past two decades, including WellAWARE Systems, Global Cell Solutions and Medical Automation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing costs and improving efficiency in health care systems.
Felder was honored April 24 at U.Va. Innovation’s annual awards reception in the Rotunda. See Dr. Felder’s speech.
WellAWARE a provider of technology-based solutions facilitating independent living for seniors, has systems installed in 2,200 residences from Virginia to South Dakota, reporting minute-to-minute data on the wellness of elderly occupants. WellAWARE raised $7.5 million in growth capital in 2009.
Global Cell Solutions is advancing regenerative medicine, drug discovery, cancer research and other efforts through the automation of 3-D cell culture. Using an automated bench-top system, Global Cell’s novel approach facilitates cell culture that mimics in vivo biology and physiology that could one day obviate the need for animal studies and provide high-quality replacement body cells, Felder said. The company has raised more than $1.5 million in local investments.
The author of more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, Felder has received more than $30 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health, with additional funding from industry sources, venture capital and federal Small Business Technology Transfer awards. Dr. Felder has been named on 12 issued U.S. patents, with an additional seven U.S. and international patents pending.
In 2009, Dr, Felder received the prestigious Engelberger Award for Leadership in Robotics. In 2010, the American Association for Clinical Chemistry and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry joined in honoring him with the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry, marking the first time the organizations have honored the same awardee.