Hopkins’ Online Test for Dementia Risk
Nearly everyone in the healthcare debate agrees that the heart of real reform is people taking greater responsibility for their own health. This is the essence of wellness and preventative medicine. So, it’s likely that more self-assessment sources will come forward, like an online test Johns Hopkins medical school (the Memory Survey) has created for dementia risk. This is not meant to replace a thorough medical evaluation, but rather to inform people about mental impairment early enough to seek intervention. The tool is a quick and easy online questionnaire covering such things as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression and family history that results in a score. Researchers are now comparing on-line and in-person assessments for validation. MORE
RESOURCE: Alzcast.org, in partnership with The Copper Ridge Institute (TCRI), a not-for-profit organization affiliated with The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, conducts research on ‘care’ issues and the development of educational programs to train family and health care professionals on ‘best practices’ in dealing with individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.
Rebecca E. Owens
The memory survey will undoubtledy be most helpful for the average person to obtain a base line at this time.