Harkin and Felder to Speak at the Medical Automation Conference
Senator Tom Harkin (Iowa) will keynote the Medical Automation Conference focused on Personalized Medicine. Senator Harkin chairs the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. He has long believed that in America, we have a “sick care” system, not a health care system. Rather than treating people once they get sick, he believes that we should remove the barriers to a healthy lifestyle, reduce chronic disease and rein in the high cost of health care, creating a “wellness society” in America. MORE
Christian C. Felder, PhD will present Mental Health Drug Discovery: From Probabilistic to Patient focused
Approaches. Dr. Felder is a Research Fellow in Neuroscience at Eli Lilly & Company Corporate Headquarters. He received his PhD in 1987 in the Department of Biochemistry at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He joined the NIMH in Bethesda, MD as a staff fellow in 1987 and completed his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Julius Axelrod in 1990…MORE