Injectable Cardiac Monitor

September 3, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

BIOMONITOR III injectable heart monitor
BIOTRONIK (Lake Oswego, OR) has released its next generation injectable heart monitor. “It is designed to [MORE]

DARPA’s Augmented Contact Lenses

June 11, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

High tech contact lens
“Researchers at leading French engineering IMT Atlantique in mid-April announced “the first autonomous contact lens incorporating a [MORE]

Low Cost Pediatric Respiration Monitor

May 7, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wearable monitor for lung disease
Engineers at the University of California, Irvine have designed a pediatric breathing monitor described as this: [MORE]

Sweat Patch Diagnostics

April 9, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

Sensor to measure chemical contents in sweat
Sweat is a diagnostic fluid, with varying levels of chloride, glucose, and lactate.  To [MORE]

National Lab’s Wearable Vital Signs Monitor

March 5, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

VitalTag prototype
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s stick-on “VitalTag” monitors blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, blood oxygen, shock index, and has [MORE]

Detecting and Preventing Seizures with a Wireless Brain Pacemaker

February 19, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

Autonomous closed loop neurostimulator
“UC Berkeley researchers have developed a wireless, autonomous, closed-loop neurostimulator that sits outside the head, monitoring electrical [MORE]

Monitoring without Electronics

December 11, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

3D Assistive technology
Paul Allen is gone, but his School of Electrical and Computer Engineering lives on at the University of [MORE]

Reading Brainwaves from Inside the Skull

September 4, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Neuro chip
“Researchers at Purdue University have now developed a brain-reading implant that’s incredibly small and that doesn’t need any on-board batteries [MORE]

A “Smart Stent” that Monitors Arterial Conditions

September 4, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

UBC smart stent
Electrical and computer engineers at the University of British Columbia have created “the first angioplasty-ready smart stent.”  “[They] modified [MORE]

Implantable Cardiac Monitor Connects to Smartphones

January 16, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Confirm-Rx Cardiac Monitor
“Abbott received FDA clearance for the Confirm Rx implantable cardiac monitoring device that wirelessly connects to the patient’s [MORE]

Smart Prosthetics

November 28, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Smart Prosthetics (MOIP)
To address the needs of military amputees, the Naval Research Lab and collaborators have created a smart artificial [MORE]

Tracking “Smart Pills”

October 10, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Illustration of ATOMS
Remember the “submarine” that travels through the blood stream in the 1966 movie, Fantastic Voyage? That fantasy actually [MORE]

Smart Contact Lens for Diabetes and Glaucoma Monitoring

June 20, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

New Contact Lens Senses Glaucoma and Diabetes
This piece reports on smart contact lenses developed by two university labs in South [MORE]

Adhesive Sensor Detects Leaking IV Drips

June 6, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wearable Sensor for IV Leakage
For elders, inserting a needle and cannula into a vein to deliver a liquid medication can [MORE]