Riding sound waves in the brain
“Researchers at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the University Hospital Zurich have now [MORE]
Liver perfusion machine
Transplantable livers are now kept alive for 24 hours while on ice. But a new machine from engineers [MORE]
Computer-designed customized regenerative heart valve
For children born with defective heart valves, repair solutions are limited, mainly because a prosthesis has [MORE]
Cross-section Skin
When natural skin is grafted onto, say, a burn site, its full thickness contains blood and lymphatic capillaries, sebaceous [MORE]
Psychiatric researchers at the University of Zurich conducted a study which showed that tele-sessions were as good as or [MORE]
Blood Cleaner
Researchers at the University of Zurich have developed and tested antibody-coated magnetic nanoparticles that can capture several harmful [MORE]