Addiction-free pain management
“Researchers from the Center for Clinical Pharmacology at Washington University School of Medicine [St. Louis, MO] say they [MORE]
Gut pain- Nobel Prize-winning receptor may lead to new treatment
“It was previously known that many different ion channels are located [MORE]
Spinal implant inflates like a tiny air mattress
“By targeting the same mechanisms through which epidural anesthesia controls pain during childbirth, [MORE]
Experimental brain implant instantly detects and relieves pain
“Researchers from the New York University School of Medicine have developed a brain [MORE]
Period-based Artifact Reconstruction and Removal Method (PARRM)
“[Researchers at Brown University] develop a method, termed Period-based Artifact Reconstruction and Removal Method [MORE]
gammaCore non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator
Implanted vagus nerve stimulators have been in use for nearly a quarter of a century for [MORE]
Pain assessment
“Please tell me, on this chart, your pain level from 1 to 10 cartoon faces.” Hippocrates could have done [MORE]
Patient with KneeKG
In imaging a knee problem, the patient having an x-ray or MRI is lying down. The resulting picture [MORE]
Theranica Nerivio Migra elecroceutical device for migraine
The USFDA recently approved a neuromodulator for the treatment of migraine headache. The device, [MORE]
Brachytherapy seeds
Considering the long standing sports rivalry between Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia, it might come as a [MORE]
DIY Optogenetics
Pain is what drives more people to seek medical attention than any other symptom. Its cost is nearly incalculable. [MORE]
Neuron in Tissue Culture
According to this piece, neuroscientists at McMaster University (Hamilton, Ont.) assert: “We can actually take a patient’s [MORE]
ZetrOZ Ultrasound Device for Pain
This piece is more of an advertisement for ZetrOZ (Trumbull, CT) than a news story, as [MORE]
Bruise Trousers
In developing sporting equipment for Paralympic athletes, a group of engineering students at Imperial College London created lycra trousers [MORE]