ctDNA Liquid Biopsy
Most interest in liquid biopsies has focused on less invasive disease diagnosis. This piece, however, draws attention to [MORE]
The advantages of culturing tissue in three dimensions have been demonstrated since Alexis Carrel pioneered the hanging drop method in [MORE]
Duke University chemists have developed, at least experimentally, an extended release compound for treating Type 2 diabetes with a once [MORE]
Blood Cells
During a heart operation, surgeons need to know if the patient’s blood is coagulating too quickly—potentially causing clots. To [MORE]
Nasal Swab
For persistent smokers, their “airway field of injury” extends all the way from their bronchial epithelium to the cells [MORE]
Neurofilament Staining of Human Cerebellum
When body cells die their debris ends up in blood. So, it shouldn’t come as a [MORE]
“With the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel, we have shown that small molecules can be designed to seek out and [MORE]
Healing Muscle Injury
Regenerative medicine research physicians have successfully implanted bioscaffolds (i.e. extracellular matrix derived from pig bladder tissue) in 13 [MORE]
Sensor Detects E. Coli
Foodborne illnesses strike about 48 million people in the US every year, which often results is massive [MORE]
Optic Nerve
The rogue gallery of degenerative nerve diseases includes such afflictions as amyotropic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, deprivation of sight and [MORE]
FGF21 Effects
This piece mainly makes a case for FGF21 (fibroblast growth factor 21) accelerating liver regeneration after surgery, but this [MORE]
Cryo-Electron Tomography Reveals Ciliary Defect
Cilia are the nano-antennea that cells use for sensory perception. About twenty genetic ciliopathies are known [MORE]
Endoscopy with Panoramic View
Imagine using a plastic straw, inserted through a keyhole, to see what’s behind a closed door. This [MORE]
Graphene Rubber Band Sensor Monitor
Researchers at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Surry have embedded graphene into rubber bands [MORE]