POSTS TAGGED AS medical kiosks

Mayo to Test Telehealth Kiosks

November 18, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Telehealth Kiosks
The technology supporting stand-alone telehealth kiosks has existed for several years. Theoretically, they could be placed in hospital emergency [MORE]

Self-Serve Medical Kiosks

October 15, 2013 | | Posted in Newsletter

Selfservice Medical Kiosk
Two weeks ago, Tagline had a piece about Walmart’s plan to introduce full service primary care [MORE]

“Healthspot” Convenience Medical Kiosks

April 2, 2013 | | Posted in Newsletter

HealthSpot Services
Convenience kiosks could be the next leap for telemedicine.  If so, they would be located in places where [MORE]

IBM Medical Kiosks

March 13, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

Patient using Wellby Kiosk
CarePartners Plus, LLC (Horsham, PA) has an electronic patient engagement survey tool, “Wellby,” that collects patient data [MORE]