Viaskin Peanut Product
For an infant with undiagnosed allergies to milk and egg proteins, the only communication is through crying—-non-stop crying. [MORE]
There are two pieces here about the same thing—Fujifilm’s newly FDA cleared ultrahigh frequency ultrasound imager: the first piece is [MORE]
Remote Sensing ECG
Today, ECG testing is done with electrodes stuck to the skin and wires from those patches to the [MORE]
Lung Tumor Ablation
Using a technology called “InterVapor” (from Uptake Medical, Tustin, CA) physicians ablated a colon cancer metastasis to the [MORE]
Bioartifical Adrenal to Follow Artificial Pancreas
Beta-O2 Technologies Ltd is an Israeli company which has developed an implantable device containing islet [MORE]
Leaf Patient Sensor
Bedsores most commonly present in hospitalized patients who are not moved sufficiently to relieve pressure on blood vessels [MORE]
Here’s a piece that well illustrates Leroy Hood’s “4 P’s” of personalized medicine (i.e. personalized, predictive, preventative, participatory). Investigators at [MORE]
Shape Shifting Material for Bone
Some bone injuries are too big for simple fixes, even with autografting and bone putty. To [MORE]
Self-Assembling Nanoparticles
You’ll have to go to the published study to get the exact details of this piece, but researcher at [MORE]
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Researchers at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics believe they have developed an effective anti-bacterial coating for artificial [MORE]
Testing via Smart Phone
In stressful situations, the adrenal glands release cortisol which increases blood glucose for “flight or fight.” Prolonged [MORE]
As pathologists know, all cancers are “written in blood”—with the cells and proteins tumors release into the bloodstream. [MORE]
With the latest generation of DNA sequencers, the so-called “$1,000 genome” is a reality, and the breadbox-sized machine that [MORE]
iPhone Oxygen Monitor
Masimo Corporation (Irvine, CA) makes the most widely used pulse oximeters in healthcare, and recently it introduced [MORE]