Slimy Robot for Retrieving Swallowed Objects
Slimy robot can retrieve swallowed objects
“A slimy robot developed by researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong could one [MORE]
Piezoelectric Sensors
Special Electro-Active Nanoparticles Can be Used in Sensors
“Indian scientists have come up with a new method to induce the piezoelectric [MORE]
The Mystery of the Self-Regenerating Liver
Diploid hepatocytes drive physiological liver renewal in adult humans
“Using retrospective radiocarbon (14C) birth dating of cells, we [Center for Regenerative [MORE]
Example of a Hospital-at-Home Service
Yale New Haven launches hospital-at-home program
“Yale New Haven (Conn.) Health System has launched a hospital-at-home program to provide acute care [MORE]
Nanodrills for Treating Bacterial Infections
Light-activated molecular machines are fast-acting broad-spectrum antibacterials
“Here, we [biochemists at Rice University] report the discovery of a distinctive antibacterial therapy [MORE]
3D Optical Coherence Refraction Tomography (3D OCRT)
“[Biomedical engineers at Duke University] present 3D optical coherence refraction tomography (OCRT), a computational extension of OCT that synthesizes [MORE]
Injectable Hydrogel for Degenerative Discs
Injectable hydrogel treats back pain from damaged discs in human trials
To relieve pain from degenerating discs in the spine, researchers [MORE]