POSTS TAGGED AS Scientific American

Stem Cell Cosmetology, or How to Grow Bones in Your Eyes

February 5, 2013 | | Posted in Newsletter

Stem Cells for Cosmetic Surgery
Regenerative medicine holds many wonders, but not without worries too.  This piece tells how plastic surgeons [MORE]

Wilm’s Tumor Vaccine Effective for CML

February 5, 2013 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wilm’s tumor of the kidney most often presents in children, while chronic myelogenous leukemia of the bone marrow usual is [MORE]

TruFocals: Adjustable Eyeglass Lens Technology

September 14, 2010 | | Posted in Newsletter

As eyes age, elasticity of the lens diminishes, resulting in vision impairment.  Bifocals and trifocals can correct problems, but [MORE]