Cleveland Clinic and IBM Begin Installation of IBM Quantum System One
“The Discovery Accelerator at Cleveland Clinic draws upon a variety [MORE]
RoboRXN. Automating Chemical Synthesis
“In a recent news release, the research arm of IBM announced that their Zurich team has developed [MORE]
Quantum computing
Both IBM and Google have claimed “quantum superiority”—that is, an ability to use quantum properties of superposition and entanglement [MORE]
OR of the future
Operating rooms are the heart of any hospital. Johns Hopkins Hospital has 33 ORs; Mayo Clinic, 87 [MORE]
Human Microbiome
The interaction of some three billion bacterial genes and twenty thousand human genes in the human microbiome is the [MORE]
Avicenna Software
IBM is placing a big bet that computational medicine will be the fulcrum between the digital patient and the [MORE]
Numenta AI
Recently, Alan Turing’s notebook documenting his “Automatic Computing Engine” sold at auction for $1.025m. This was the machine he [MORE]
Epic Systems EHR
Sometime this year, the US Defense Department will choose a provider for military’s electronic health record—a contract worth [MORE]
Medical Data Errors
With 100,000 health apps for smartphones and a potential market of close to half trillion dollars driving [MORE]
Microfluidics diagnostic chip
IBM’s search for new markets, after disappointing earnings in its more traditional fields, has turned [MORE]
Neuron Chip
Most computer chips process instructions in a series, while human neurons do the same in massive parallel. IBM now [MORE]
There is no substitute in medicine for the astute physician, assuming he or she is mentally and physically alert. [MORE]
Robots Diagnosing
There is no substitute in medicine for the astute physician, assuming he or she is mentally and physically alert. [MORE]
This piece is pretty close to a commercial ad for IBM’s “Patient Care and Insights” analytical software, but it [MORE]