Philips ePatch Heart Monitor
“Applications include monitoring patients for AF [atrial fibrillation] after cardiac ablation therapy or heart valve replacement procedures, [MORE]
Regeneration of nonhuman primate hearts with hiPSC-CSs
“The clinical application of human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes (CMs) for cardiac repair [MORE]
Improved imaging of arterial plaques
“Here we [at the University of California-Davis, and Massachusetts General Hospital] report the first implementation of [MORE]
Tiny light-activated device could replace pacemakers
“A tiny light-triggered device that is thinner than a human hair can be used to [MORE]
A shape-shifting robotic catheter could make heart surgery safer
“Based on an octopus-inspired device previously created by Ranzani, it incorporates a [MORE]
Biodegradable patch developed to fix congenital heart defects in infants
“[R]esearchers at the University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz Medical Campus have [MORE]
Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation enables heart regeneration in adult mice
“Here, to explore whether metabolic reprogramming can overcome this barrier [MORE]
Moonshot effort aims to bioprint a human heart and implant it in a pig
“Under a new $26.3 million federal contract [MORE]
STAT Health launches first in-ear wearable to measure blood flow
“US-based digital health company STAT Health [Boston, MA] has introduced a [MORE]
Soft, bioresorbable, transparent microelectrode arrays for multimodal spatiotemporal mapping and modulation of cardiac physiology
From a collaboration between Northwestern University and [MORE]
Chest-conformable, wireless electro-mechanical e-tattoo for measuring multiple cardiac time intervals
“This work [from engineers at the University of Texas-Austin] presents a [MORE]
Miniature heart in a Petri dish
“Now, researchers from the Technical University of Munich (Germany) have developed heart organoids – called [MORE]
Beating heart awaiting transplant
“Here we [transplant surgeons at Stanford University Hospital] report the first case of a beating heart transplant [MORE]
Cardiac muscle cells derived from cardiac fibroblasts. Fibroblast marker Fsp1 (red), cardiac muscle cell marker troponin I (green) and nuclei [MORE]