Bluetooth Wearables in Elder Care

July 2, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Quality in care homes- How wearable devices and social network analysis might help
“In this paper, we [University of Leeds researchers] [MORE]

Monitoring Circadian Disturbances and Frailty Risk in Older Adults

January 16, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Circadian rhythm and frailty
“We [at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA] investigated prospective associations of circadian disturbances with incident frailty [MORE]

Healthcare Innovation Predictions for 2023

March 7, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Telehealth – the future
“Healthcare had an innovative year, with many new technologies entering the frame for hospitals and health system [MORE]

Air Puff and AI Test for Glaucoma

February 22, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

No touch AI device for glaucoma testing.
This piece is about a commercial device, “IOPerfect,” that has implications for telemedicine and [MORE]

Smart Home Vibration Sensor

November 24, 2020 | | Posted in Newsletter

VibrosSense tracks home appliance using deep learning
For many years, researchers in eldercare have sought ways to detect how elders are [MORE]

A.I. Diagnosis of A.D.

May 15, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Vahia and Katabi with AI-Powered Monitoring Device for Risk of Alzheimer’s
In a pilot study involving MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial [MORE]

“Monitoring Independence” of Elders

May 8, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Google Home
Various smart home devices may be an alternative to nursing homes and assisted living for elders living alone. As [MORE]

Honeywell’s View of Tele-Wellness

August 8, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Genesis Touch Honeywell Life Care Solutions
If you remember Honeywell’s iconic “T-86 Round” home thermometer from the 1950s, where you simply [MORE]

Fraunhofer’s “Safe@Home” Fall Monitor

May 20, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Emergency Sensor Box
Imagine a device about the size of a smoke detector, mounted on a room’s ceiling that detects falls [MORE]

Kaiser Permanente’s “HouseCalls”

May 13, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Crane and Truong HouseCalls MDs
At MedicalAutomation’s 2009 conference, Dr. Alan Dappen described his telemedicine practice named “Doc Talker.” For a [MORE]

Salt Imbalance: An Innovator’s Opportunity

May 5, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Hyponatremia in Neurosurgical Patient
According to European researchers, about one third of hospitalized patients present hyponatremia (low serum sodium concentration causing [MORE]

GPS Chip for Wearable Devices

April 15, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Broadcom Corporation (Germantown, MD) is one of those “connect everything” companies which seems to have found a strategy for success.  [MORE]

UCSF and Samsung’s Center for Digital Healthcare Innovation

April 15, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

CDH Web mHealth Program App
What might be in store for a major medical research university in Silicon Valley teaming up [MORE]

Pharmacy Automation at Home

April 8, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Philips' Home Medication Dispensing System
This commercial piece announces Royal Philips’ automated, compact drug dispensers with a dedicated web-based IT connection [MORE]