Quoting directly from the abstract of this piece, “. . . here we report the rational design of a modular [MORE]
MIT Antibody Sensor
This piece reports: “In the research by MIT chemical engineers, molecular self-assembly was used to build sensors containing [MORE]
That’ll be the day when a life-saving, minimally invasive diagnostic for metastatic cancer costs $30. But that, at least, is [MORE]
Magnified Analysis of Proteome (MAP)
Neuron density in the human brain has made it nearly impossible to see the connections for [MORE]
Human Cytomegalovirus University of Texas Urine Test
An inexpensive and quick test for viral infections is only slightly more urgent because [MORE]
Droplet Chip Photo Wang-Lab- JHU
By now, bio-medical laboratories should have moved to storage their mass spectrometers, flow cytometers, and blood [MORE]
High Precision Assay
With a strip test that resembles those for pregnancy or urine glucose, scientists in Moscow have invented a [MORE]
Tau Protein
Football players who have sustained repeated concussions, soldier suffering from traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s patients seem to have [MORE]
“Cornell University engineers have created a functional, synthetic immune organ that produces antibodies and can be controlled in the lab, [MORE]
Influenza Virus
206 is the number of viruses known to cause infections in humans. Now, imagine a $25 blood test that [MORE]
DNA Repair
An unfortunate reality of cancer is that means for killing tumor cells (chemotherapy and radiation) can also cause more [MORE]
Image from the Human Protein Atlas
With funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Stockholm, Sweden) a multinational proteomics collaboration [MORE]
HealthTell Molecular Diagnostics
Using peptide arrays, HealthTell (San Ramon, CA) is testing their product which supposedly offers early, accurate and noninvasive [MORE]
Drug development is a field Tagline doesn’t follow, simply because it is a huge topic on its own. But [MORE]