Tim Kriewall's bio:
| Dr. Timothy J. Kriewall joined the program staff at the Kern Family Foundation as Program Director for Engineering Entrepreneurship in July, 2008. In this role, he leads the Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN) program. KEEN is a network of private engineering colleges across America who are working together to change engineering education to keep America in its technical leadership position in the world by instilling the entrepreneurial mindset into engineering pedagogy. He also works closely with other senior staff at the Foundation in program planning, development, and strategy implementation, including identifying and analyzing opportunities to advance the Foundation’s mission to enhance engineering entrepreneurship education. Dr. Kriewall most recently served as President of Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, a position he held since 2003. He started his career at Bell Telephone Laboratories, and has served in various capacities at 3M and Medtronic corporations, focusing on the invention and commercialization of innovative medical devices. Dr. Kriewall also served as a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School for eight years, earning the rank of Associate Professor.
Medical device development, medical product development, project management, intrapreneurship, medical ethics, medical ultrasound, perinatal medicine, fetal skull molding, cervical dilatation, cochlear implants, perfusion systems, heart/lung machines, in vitro blood diagnostics
Tim Kriewall's posts:
Is it time to change the way we educate engineers in America? About 20 private engineering colleges around the U.S. [MORE]