Karen Frith's bio:

Dr. Karen Frith is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. In that role, she has focused her research on improvement of educational and healthcare outcomes. Whether educating the next generation of nurses or providing a safe environment for hospitalized patients, Dr. Frith believes that constant assessment of outcomes essential. Safe nursing care happens when individuals are aware of the influence of their actions on outcomes. The results of Dr. Frith’s work is found in 22 published articles, 3 book chapters and a book which will be published in 2012.

Dr. Frith, along with other colleagues from the University of Alabama in Huntsville, have developed decision-support software which alerts leaders when conditions on hospital units are unfavorable and can lead to poor patient outcomes and undesirable organizational outcomes. This software is the result of four years of research and development. As recent winners of the Alabama Launchpad, the research team has founded a company called Decision Innovations.

Dr. Frith completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1984 from Auburn University, Master of Science in Nursing Administration in 1998 from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and a PhD in Nursing in 2001 from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Frith worked for 10 years in acute care hospitals in Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia. In 1992 she joined the faculty of Georgia College & State University; Fifteen years later she joined the faculty of University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. Frith is also currently adjunct faculty at the University of Alabama in Birmingham and a guest professor a tour University at the University of Rostock, Rostock Germany. Dr. Frith is board certified as a Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC).

DISCLOSURE: Dr. Frith has disclosed that she is a founder of Decision Innovations, Inc. and owns stock.

Karen Frith's posts:

Using Technology to Support Nurse Staffing Decision Making

Concern for the quality of patient care in hospitals and the impact of adverse outcomes on costs…