DNA Imaging Device on Smart Phone
This piece describes a DNA imaging device, developed at UCLA, which works with a smart [MORE]
Becker’s Hospital Review is a champ when it comes to taking a complex subject and organizing it in an easy-to-grasp [MORE]
Earbuds Capture Heart Rate
By putting an infrared optical emitter, photodetector and accelerometer into an earbud, a Raleigh, NC company, Valencell, [MORE]
Closeup of mHealth Data Entry Mobile Device
It may be one of the most glaring ironies of modern times that people [MORE]
Earlier this year, The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health announced its plan to create a mobile health data [MORE]
Nearly half of American adults now own smartphones and about a third of those who do believe that mobile [MORE]
“Breezing” is the name developers at Arizona State University have given to a device that analyzes CO2 and [MORE]
iPhone Microscopes/Telescopes
This piece shows 14 microscope and telescope devices for the iPhone 4, but doesn’t give more than a [MORE]
Healthcare-related smart phone apps now number in the tens of thousands and, one day, could provide a physician’s prescription [MORE]
Among thirteen “hot” areas for private equity investment in healthcare are hospital systems, ambulatory surgery center chains, mobile health [MORE]
Partly because mobile health is a new sphere, and partly due to uncertainty over healthcare reform, mHealth businesses are [MORE]
Reduce the size of the iPad, ruggedize it, create its ability to run multiple apps concurrently, include a camera, [MORE]
Meet with over 60 industry leaders from network operators, healthcare providers, device manufacturers, investors, systems integrators, body networks developers, and [MORE]
For a quick review of medical applications now available on Apple’s iPhone, see the Power Point at the site below. [MORE]