POSTS TAGGED AS health outcomes

What you think is the #1 challenge in healthcare today? What medical technology can help to meet those challenges?

November 1, 2009 | | Posted in Ask the Experts,Reader's Questions

With the current raging debate about the American healthcare system, we are hearing  conflicting, sometimes contentious, and frequently emotional viewpoints. [MORE]

Tracking US Health

January 20, 2009 | | Posted in Newsletter

The National Academies’ Institute of Medicine has recommended 20 health indicators to aid in measuring the nation’s public health and [MORE]

Chronic Disease Management and Wireless Solutions: Transforming Outcomes. Slashing Costs

With alarming increases in both the incidence and costs of chronic disease management, traditional healthcare innovation has all but failed. [MORE]

Sensor Assisted Care

Smart healthcare systems are needed to address the real problems of our aging population. The long term care industry is [MORE]

Savings from Telemedicine

November 11, 2008 | | Posted in Newsletter

Robert Litan
Better Healthcare Together, a coalition of business and policy leaders, has issued a report asserting that broadband-based applications for [MORE]