Bluetooth Wearables in Elder Care

July 2, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Quality in care homes- How wearable devices and social network analysis might help
“In this paper, we [University of Leeds researchers] [MORE]

Wearables: Continuous, Autonomous, Objective Monitoring

March 19, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wearable to help understand the effect of new drugs on Parkinson’s Disease patients
“Transforming the Objective Real-world measurement of Symptoms (Torus) [MORE]

Monitoring Circadian Disturbances and Frailty Risk in Older Adults

January 16, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Circadian rhythm and frailty
“We [at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA] investigated prospective associations of circadian disturbances with incident frailty [MORE]

The Future of Clinical Trials and Evidence Based Medicine

April 18, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Evidence-based deep medicine iceberg
“Over the next decade, the application of machine learning, deep neural networks and multimodal biomedical AI is [MORE]

T-Shirts and Face Masks as Biosensors

December 6, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wearable sensors styled into t-shirts and face masks
“While wearable devices such as smartwatches have made incredible advancements in monitoring one’s [MORE]

A Super Sensor on Your Finger

September 20, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Masimo’s EU approved super sensor monitor
“Masimo (Irvine, CA) just announced receiving European approval for its new rainbow Super DCI-mini sensor, [MORE]

Apple’s Gym for Testing Activity Algorithms

September 13, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Apple’s secretive gym Is shaping Its activity-tracking algorithms
What does a wearables development lab look like?  In Apple’s case, the facility [MORE]

Soft and Stretchy Wearable Monitors

September 6, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Soft and stretchy fabric-based sensors for wearable robots
Lots of wearable sensors now exist, but this piece describes the advantages of [MORE]

Graphene “e-tattoo” Measures Blood Pressure

August 23, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Graphene “e-tattoo” Measures Blood Pressure
“The new device makes its blood pressure measurements using a new method, so the team had [MORE]

 “Intelligent Metasurfaces”

July 19, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Intelligent AI empowered metasurfaces
“Here, we [engineers at Southeastern University, Nanjing] review the recent progress of intelligent metasurfaces in wave–information–matter controls [MORE]

Protecting Healthcare Workers from Assault

April 19, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Nurses assaulted
This piece is about a webinar that will already have passed by now, but the subject is worth addressing [MORE]

Movano Ring, et al, for Biomonitoring

March 15, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Movano health tracker
“The Movano Ring clearly has the $300 Oura Ring in mind with this claim, noting that its ring [MORE]

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring

March 15, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Know Labs glucose monitor use Bio-RFID instead of finger sticks
Seattle-based “Know Labs’ glucose monitors are both powered by its Body-Radio [MORE]

Startups Changing Healthcare

February 22, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

5 Startups Shaping the Future of Health Care.
Five startup companies in healthcare—Youper, TyroCare, Vida Health, Osso VR and Kintsugi—are using [MORE]