Motile living biobots self-construct from adult human somatic progenitor seed cells
From Tufts University: “Each Anthrobot begins as a single cell, [MORE]
Motile living biobots self-construct from adult human somatic progenitor seed cells
From Tufts University and the Wyss Institute: “Here anthrobots are [MORE]
Synthetic extracellular matrix supports endometrial organoids.
“[Researchers at Tufts and MIT] and their team designed a synthetic ECM [extracellular matrix] using [MORE]
Drug cocktail regrows frog legs in regenerative medicine breakthrough
In this piece, researchers at Tufts University “demonstrate long-term (18 months) regrowth, [MORE]
Mechanosensation mediates decisions in aneural organism
Physarum polycephalum, an acellular slime mold, does not have a brain, but is capable of [MORE]
Miniaturized 3D bone marrow tissue model
A collaboration of Italian and American biologists “describe a miniaturized bone marrow tissue model that [MORE]
Head motion classification using thread-based sensor
“Human machine interfaces that can track head motion will result in advances in physical rehabilitation, [MORE]
Sprinter with Lactate Curve – sweat sensing materials
From electrical engineers at Tufts University: “. . . we present a thread-based [MORE]
Capsule assesses microbiome
Increasingly, the role of the microbiome is found to be implicated in many biological processes outside of the [MORE]
CRISPR Cas 9 and biodegradable lipid nanoparticles
“The lipid nanoparticles described in the study encapsulate messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding Cas9. Once [MORE]
Horizontal basal cells restore smell
“Horizontal basal cells” are stem cells that can repopulate all olfactory tissue including sensory neurons, according [MORE]
Smart bandage to monitor chronic wounds
pH is an important factor in wound healing. Normally healing wounds have pH levels between [MORE]
Tooth Sensor
“Researchers at Tufts University have developed an amazing new sensor, only 2 millimeters on a side, that can be [MORE]
Cell Fluorescence Reveals Metabolic Activity
Researchers at Tufts University have developed an optical tool that can reveal “specific metabolic signatures” in [MORE]