Epic is going all in on generative AI in healthcare
“UNC Health has been tapped to test-drive Epic’s generative AI tools [MORE]
Computer science in health care
It’s hard to say when the “Chief Information Officer” executives first became essential in hospital service: [MORE]
Future of Healthcare
In a quick summary chart, this piece from Becker’s Hospital Review lists ten disruptive forces in healthcare and [MORE]
Google Glass Used for Parkinsons
Parkinson’s sufferers experience many difficulties beyond the unsteady gait. Tremors can make it difficult to use [MORE]
Minute Clinic
How will we know when CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, et al in retail healthcare make their strategic move into the [MORE]
Becker’s Hospital Review has a new listing for healthcare information technology and this piece points out “the top 10 [MORE]
Vinton Cerf
Remember Sony’s “Betamax,” or for that matter, remember the JVC’s “VHS” cassetts? Today, many families have boxes of [MORE]
By combining two types of algorithms that search for adverse drug effects in medical records, a researcher at the [MORE]
This piece argues that mHealth applications for medical providers “will soon evolve into app platforms whose functions can be rented [MORE]
In 2010, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced its “Beacon Communities” program, which funds healthcare IT [MORE]
In 2005, The Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering and its School of Medicine began a collaboration called [MORE]
A key difference between healthcare providers which claim to be offering “more personalized medicine” than ever and those that [MORE]
This piece raises the question of social factors, like employment, home location, etc, being relevant to hospital readmissions which [MORE]
Knome DNA Decoder
The greatest constriction of clinical genomics no longer is the cost of DNA sequencing as much as [MORE]