Prof. Aguilar and Dr.Lee with ultrasound biosensor
Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) medical scientists have developed “. . . nanoparticles consisting of [MORE]
Tiny biosensor in the tip of a needle
Implantable biosensors are relatively large devices that have to be surgically replaced once [MORE]
Developing millimeter size implants for diagnosis and treatment
“Using ultra-small device implants being developed by Iota Biosciences, Astellas Pharma hopes to [MORE]
Tiny implant in brain can control neural circuits
In a step toward automated animal studies, engineers at the Korean Advanced Institute [MORE]
Remote control implantable drug delivery system
“Researchers from Houston Methodist successfully delivered continuous, predetermined dosages of two chronic disease medications using [MORE]
Heart patch
Until heart doctors have a successful strategy for injecting stem cells directly into cardiac tissue to repair damage, this [MORE]
Graphene-based transistor neural probe
“Graphene Flagship,” a consortium of 150 research groups, headquartered Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden), has developed [MORE]
Cellular incubator
In this piece, “Researchers at Tomsk State University and Siberian State Medical University in Russia have developed a new [MORE]
CET system
Heart patients who require a ventricular assist device typically have the pump’s cable protruding through their skin which is [MORE]
Battery-free implant to suppress appetite
Between the brain and the belly, the vagus nerve signals hunger and fullness. It is known [MORE]
Electronic device monitors cardiomyocytes
This from Japanese cardio-researchers: “For the first time, engineers have demonstrated an electronic device to closely monitor [MORE]
Biodegradable device for nerve regeneration
A recent Nature Medicine article, titled “Wireless bioresorbable electronic system enables sustained nonpharmacological neuroregenerative therapy,” describes [MORE]
Neuro chip
“Researchers at Purdue University have now developed a brain-reading implant that’s incredibly small and that doesn’t need any on-board batteries [MORE]
Heart patch drug delivery
In order to get drugs, proteins or stem cells to the heart after an infarction, a collaboration [MORE]