Embryonic Stem Cells
Last month, Tagline carried a piece about researchers at RIKEN’s Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan who [MORE]
Embryonic Stem Cells
In what may be the story of the year, if not of the century, researchers at Japan’s RIKEN [MORE]
Since 2001, when the USFDA approved “Gleevec” for clinical use, scientists, oncologists and cancer patients alike have understood “signal induction [MORE]
Dr. Shinya Yamanaka
Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize last year for showing how the insertion of just four genes (by [MORE]
Kidney Structures
With tens of thousands of patients on waiting lists for kidney transplants, success in creating kidneys from pig [MORE]
Nicotine accumulates in toenail tissue whether or not the toes belong to a smoker or a nonsmoker who had [MORE]
In a “world’s first” for primates, researchers at Keio University in Tokyo implanted induced pleuripotent stem cells (derived from [MORE]