New Microchip based on biomolecules is not alien technology
Seems similar to Elizabeth Holmes’ blood test, but this microchip has a [MORE]
Six different bioaerosol samplers
“An evaluation of methods and instrumentation used for airborne virus collection concludes that samplers operating cyclone sampling [MORE]
Human gut virome
Here’s a new frontier in human biology—the gut virome. Researchers at Ohio State University have compiled the first [MORE]
Identifying Viruses with a Microfluidic Device and Raman Spectroscopy
“We [physicists and biochemists at Penn State] demonstrate that multiple emerging virus [MORE]
Lab researcher
In order to engineer a virus that mimics SARS-CoV-2 without causing COVID-19’s severe symptoms, virologists at Washington University in [MORE]
Cold plasma for airborne viruses
Agricultural engineers at the University of Michigan and University of Minnesota know “cold,” and in this [MORE]
Healing gel
“A hydrogel that incorporates billions of bacteriophages forms a material that is self-healing and also offers antibacterial services for [MORE]
Diagnosing influenza via a smart phone
Engineers at the University of Tokyo have designed a battery powered device which can array [MORE]
Genetically engineered phage therapy
A teenage girl developed an antibiotic-resistant infection following a lung transplant to treat cystic fibrosis. Her prospects [MORE]
Crispr Cas9 protein RNA complex
Heretofore, most of the news about CRISPR was about gene editing, unintended off targeting, and the [MORE]
Face mask
Pictures from the Great Influenza at the end of World War I show groups of people wearing surgical masks [MORE]
Johns Hopkins Biosensor for Brain Injury
Wearable, implantable and ingestible biosensors are the devices that make precision medicine more precise. In [MORE]
Surgical Mask
It has been 99 years since the Great Influenza pandemic at the end of World War I. Old pictures [MORE]
Human Cytomegalovirus University of Texas Urine Test
An inexpensive and quick test for viral infections is only slightly more urgent because [MORE]