Magnetic microcoils unlock targeted single-neuron therapies for neurodegenerative disorders
“In this work, we [University of Minnesota] report the design and fabrication [MORE]
Gene therapy can repair neural connections in the brain
“[University of Minnesota] researchers evaluated a new form of gene therapy invented [MORE]
Researchers boost human mental function with brain stimulation
While gene therapists and ethicists wrestle over mental enhancement, researchers at the University [MORE]
Increasing immune cells in organs in response to microbial exposure
University of Minnesota immunologists have made three important findings about immune [MORE]
3D Printed heart
“Scientists at the University of Minnesota have 3D printed a beating heart muscle ‘pump’ consisting of pluripotent stem [MORE]
Cold plasma for airborne viruses
Agricultural engineers at the University of Michigan and University of Minnesota know “cold,” and in this [MORE]
Non invasive brain computer interface
In a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon and University of Minnesota, engineers, using a noninvasive brain-computer interface, [MORE]
Prototype for bionic eye
Following past success with bionic skin and a bionic ear, engineers at the University of Minnesota have [MORE]
3D printed stem cells
The video with this piece shows how University of Minnesota researchers were able to 3-D print layers [MORE]
3D Printing on a real hand
“In a groundbreaking new study, researchers at the University of Minnesota used a customized, low-cost [MORE]
It has long been known that freezing tissues, such as arteries, extends their “shelf life” for transplantation, but problems arise [MORE]
3D Printing Wake Forest Ear
Over the past year, the six of the seven innovations in 3-D printing and 3-D printers [MORE]
New Born Lamb
Eight years ago, Doris Taylor at the University of Minnesota grew a beating rat heart from a decellularized [MORE]
DNA Threaded Through Nanopipette
Collaborating researchers—chemists at Imperial College London, and electrical and biomedical engineers at the University of Minnesota—have devised [MORE]