POSTS TAGGED AS telehealth

Woebot, Tele-Psychology

July 25, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Quoting directly: “Created by a team of Stanford psychologists and AI experts, Woebot uses brief daily chat conversations, mood tracking, [MORE]

Cough into Your Smartphone

June 27, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

An Australian startup named “ResApp” has used learning algorithms to distinguish the sounds of several kinds of respiratory illnesses—pneumonia, asthma, [MORE]

This Year’s Award Winners in Telemedicine

June 20, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Over the last 20 years, telemedicine has demonstrated not only hundreds of useful applications, but also hinted at a new [MORE]

UPMC’s Telemedicine Example

May 9, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

So much of telemedicine thinking focuses on how to reach underserved populations, like elders at home, and patients living in [MORE]

Body Temperature Pill

May 2, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

BodyCap e-Celsius-e-Pill
It’s a little hard to imagine why tracking a patient’s GI tract temperature every 30 seconds would be clinically [MORE]

Home Vital Signs Monitoring Device

January 24, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

OslerMD Vital Signs
OslerMD (San Diego, CA) is moving toward commercial release of its Rapid Vital Sign Measuring Device, which uses [MORE]

An App for Post-Transplant Monitoring

October 25, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Smart Patient Therapy App
“My Therapy App” is a smartphone program for medication adherence from a German company, Smartpatient gmbh (Munich). [MORE]

Heart Research on Mt. Kilimanjaro

October 18, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Mt. Kilimanjaro
Because the oxygen deprivation at high altitude mimics that of a heart attack, device maker Royal Philips and the [MORE]

Wearable Tracking of Treatment for Oncology Patients

September 13, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Medidata Patient Cloud(R) ePRO
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is testing a wearable activity tracker, with cloud reporting, for its multiple [MORE]

Becker’s List of 50 Best Healthcare Apps

September 6, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

AmWell App
Becker’s Health IT and CIO Review, a champion lister of all things in healthcare, observes: “. . . we [MORE]

“Pillo,” the Drug Dispensing Robot Who Recognizes You

August 23, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Pillo Robot
This may be the first “male” personal robot. “Pillo” (from Pillo, Inc., New York, NY) uses facial and voice [MORE]

AT&T’s “Foundry” for Telemedicine

July 19, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

AT&T-Houston Health Foundry
The Texas Medical Center in Houston is the world’s largest medical complex with “21 hospitals, 13 support organizations, [MORE]

The Reinvented First Aid Kit

July 12, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

The familiar kits for first aid originated in 1888 when Johnson and Johnson manufactured them for railroad workers. They have [MORE]

60 Diabetics on Facebook Participate in Online Clinical Trial

July 5, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Mendor’s 3G-Enabled Wireless Blood Glucose Meter
Using Facebook to recruit diabetics, a Scottish CRO, eClinical Health, Ltd., evaluated Mendor’s (Espoo, Finland) [MORE]