POSTS TAGGED AS seismocardiography

Smartphone-Based Detection of Congestive Heart Failure

June 25, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Smartphone-based recognition of heart failure by microelectromechanical sensors
“Seismocardiography which measures cardiac vibrations transmitted to the chest wall has recently emerged [MORE]

Wearable E-Tattoo Monitors Heart Condition

August 1, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Chest-conformable, wireless electro-mechanical e-tattoo for measuring multiple cardiac time intervals
“This work [from engineers at the University of Texas-Austin] presents a [MORE]

e-Tattoo Heart Monitor

October 29, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

eTattoo heart monitor
Heart beat monitors have come to this: an electronic, stick on, “tattoo.”  Engineers at the University of Texas-Austin [MORE]