Rheumatoid arthritis may be treated by hybrid nanoparticle system
“The new platform developed by Koo (Seoul National University) and colleagues involves [MORE]
Stem cells used to successfully treat arthritis in gorilla at Budapest zoo
“Scientists at the University of Sheffield have used mesenchymal [MORE]
Attracting stem cells and facilitating bone regeneration by adhesive protein
From Pohang University, South Korea: “Here, a cell recognitive osteogenic barrier [MORE]
World-first stem cell therapy trial treats spina bifida before birth
“In a world-first clinical trial, three babies have been born [at [MORE]
Modular 3D printed microfluidic system
“Here, for the first time, we [bioengineers at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia] presented a [MORE]
Co-Electrospun Materials and Stem Cells for Tendon Regeneration
In this piece, bioengineers at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (Los Angeles, [MORE]
Strip of tape with dissolvable microneedles
“. . . researchers [at the Terasaki Institute in Los Angeles, and UCLA] made microneedles [MORE]
Why do people over 100 years old age so slowly? This was the question of interventional gerontologists at the Sanford [MORE]
Keratin-based scaffolds
If your finger nails and hair grow, it shows the fibrous structural protein keratin is at work. This, now, [MORE]
Cartilage repair with microbots and stem cells
Bioengineers at Chonnam National University in South Korea and at the Korea Institute of [MORE]
Cervical spine arthritis
This long article from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research raises a caution about cell based [MORE]
Marrow Miner
A regenerative medicine research group at Stanford University has shown an improved means for harvesting stem cell rich bone [MORE]
Mesenchymal stem cells
Mesenchymal stem cells exist in bone marrow, cord blood, fat tissue, tooth buds, and amniotic fluid—where they initiate [MORE]
Lipogems device
Lipogems international SpA is an Italian company (Milan) that makes a liposuction kit for extracting and cleansing fat tissue [MORE]