Gut pain- Nobel Prize-winning receptor may lead to new treatment
“It was previously known that many different ion channels are located [MORE]
Grow organoids faster by squeezing them
MIT engineers have found that compressing different cells in hydrogel causes them to differentiate and [MORE]
Self-assembling film blocks glucose absorption in GIT
“The researchers [at MIT] found that if dopamine is combined with a small amount [MORE]
Human intestinal organoids
Several laboratories have been able to grow up functional human “organoids” (of a few hundred cells), but discovered [MORE]
Complete GI tract
Using high resolution imaging and electrophysiological sensing of smooth muscle cells in the entire mouse colon, researchers at [MORE]
Implantable Robotic Device Lengthens Esophagus
Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital report proof of concept that implantable robots can cause organ growth [MORE]
Lab-Developed Intestinal Organoids
Intestinal tissue is so complex that it may be second only to the brain when it comes to [MORE]
GI System Diagnosis
Consider this: ‘There is one brain that sits at the top of the spinal cord, but there is [MORE]