DNA barcoding allows nanopore sequencing to identify dozens of biomarkers in one test
“Researchers at Imperial College London (ICL) working with [MORE]
Wearable sensors styled into t-shirts and face masks
“While wearable devices such as smartwatches have made incredible advancements in monitoring one’s [MORE]
Synthetic biology and bioelectrochemical tools for electrogenetic system engineering
“In this work, we [biochemists at Imperial College London and the University [MORE]
Six different bioaerosol samplers
“An evaluation of methods and instrumentation used for airborne virus collection concludes that samplers operating cyclone sampling [MORE]
Silicon based micro qPCR Chip
From bioengineers at Imperial College London: “we report a disposable silicon-based integrated Point-of-Need transducer (TriSilix) for [MORE]
Food for your specific metabolism
From Imperial College London: “A newly developed test that measures a number of metabolites in urine [MORE]
Urine test for cancer
“Researchers at Imperial College London and MIT have developed a simple cancer urine test based on injected [MORE]
Heart patch
Until heart doctors have a successful strategy for injecting stem cells directly into cardiac tissue to repair damage, this [MORE]
Prototype of mini MRI for knee injuries
Besides the bones of the knee joint, there are tendons, the meniscus, and ligaments [MORE]
USB Stick for HIV Testing
HIV testing today can be as complicated as blood glucose monitoring was in the days before [MORE]
Bioglass is a synthetic material made of silica and a polymer that was first used for treating bone injuries during [MORE]
DNA Threaded Through Nanopipette
Collaborating researchers—chemists at Imperial College London, and electrical and biomedical engineers at the University of Minnesota—have devised [MORE]
Researchers at Imperial College London and the Houston Methodist Research Institute have developed a new nano device for delivering nucleic [MORE]
Self-Assembling Nanoparticles
You’ll have to go to the published study to get the exact details of this piece, but researcher at [MORE]