POSTS TAGGED AS hospital readmission

A Quarter of Heart Failure Patients Readmitted to Hospitals

January 19, 2010 | | Posted in Newsletter

Dr. Joseph Ross
Telemedicine solutions that minimize hospital readmissions for heart failure have a pretty big target to hit.  One [MORE]

Using Technology to Connect Acute Care and Community Services to Reduce Costs and Improve Outcomes for Older Americans

This presentation by the Executive Vice President of MedAssets focuses on the costs of care for chronic illness in older [MORE]

Hospital Readmission Rates

August 25, 2009 | | Posted in Newsletter

Length of stay is a metric hospitals and payers watch closely.  Typically, hospitals are reimbursed by the case, while physicians [MORE]

Hospital Readmission Costs

February 10, 2009 | | Posted in Newsletter

A Boston-based research group has found that one in five hospital discharges results in an adverse event requiring readmission within [MORE]