Light-Triggered Device Instead of Pacemakers

April 30, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Tiny light-activated device could replace pacemakers
“A tiny light-triggered device that is thinner than a human hair can be used to [MORE]

Machine Learning Deciphers Complex “Mosaic” Disorders

March 21, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

New Computer Program ‘Learns’ to Identify Mosaic Mutations that Cause Disease
“We [researchers at University of California San Diego School of [MORE]

50 Neuropathology Assays in One Genetic Test

May 17, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Tandem repeated expression disorders
“We [researchers with the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia] describe the use of programmable targeted [MORE]

“Hello World,” from an ALS Patient Using a Neuroprosthetic

March 15, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Synchron Stentrode brain computer interface
“Philip O’Keefe, a 62-year-old amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient in Australia recently became the first person [MORE]

Improved Algorithm for Diagnosing Brain Disorders

August 3, 2021 | | Posted in Newsletter

Period-based Artifact Reconstruction and Removal Method (PARRM)
“[Researchers at Brown University] develop a method, termed Period-based Artifact Reconstruction and Removal Method [MORE]

Soft and Sweet Brain Implants

July 13, 2021 | | Posted in Newsletter

Sugar needle brain implant
“A softer implant would help to reduce tissue irritation, but poses challenges in terms of manufacturing and [MORE]

Neuromagnetic Brain Wave Analysis

June 22, 2021 | | Posted in Newsletter

SQUID magnetometer and Josephson Junctions
Both Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy involve aberrations in brain wave activity which have eluded non-invasive monitoring [MORE]

Listening to the Brain with a Graphene Sensor

April 9, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

Graphene-based transistor neural probe
“Graphene Flagship,” a consortium of 150 research groups, headquartered Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden), has developed [MORE]

Functional Lab-Grown Brain Organoids

February 12, 2019 | | Posted in Newsletter

Slice of brain organoid
UCSD neuroscientists have grown stem cells into tissue resembling the brain’s cortex.  Further, those “organoids” display EEG [MORE]

Wearable Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

June 19, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wearable Brain Scanner New MEG Helmet
Magnetoencephalography is a technology that measures electrical transmission within the brain based on tiny (i.e. [MORE]

Listening to “Silent Seizures”

May 22, 2018 | | Posted in Newsletter

Brain Stethoscope
Convulsions are dramatic symptoms of epilepsy, but seizures can also be silent and not obvious. To diagnose such silent [MORE]

A First for Focused Ultrasound Surgery

June 27, 2017 | | Posted in Newsletter

Focused ultrasound depicted in 3D illustration. Source: INSIGHTEC. (PRNewsfoto/Nicklaus Children’s Hospital)
Surgeons at the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami have used [MORE]

Brain Implant Moves Individual Prosthetic Fingers

April 19, 2016 | | Posted in Newsletter

Brain Implant
This story is both fascinating and unsettling. Researchers at Johns Hopkins conducted a brain mapping experiment on a young [MORE]

“Spritam:” the First Approved 3-D Printed Pill

November 24, 2015 | | Posted in Newsletter

Earlier this year, “Spritam,” an anti-epilepsy drug in a new formulation, from an Ohio biotech, became the first FDA approved [MORE]