Producing artificial synapses in the lab
Advanced prosthetics that rely on brain-machine interfaces may have a step forward from Stanford University’s [MORE]
Gaming through brainwaves
This piece might recall the old saw that a camel is a horse designed by a committee. Researchers [MORE]
Brain machine interface for speech impaired people
This report may be related to DARPA’s “silent speech” project. “Researchers at UC San [MORE]
IMEC Silicon Neuroprobe
This piece is an overview of silicon based devices that are made on the same scale as cells [MORE]
Cyborg Olympics
Who will win the gold in the brain interface race, or the muscle stimulation bike race, or the wearable [MORE]
Most developments in building brain-machine interfaces involve implantation on the brain surface itself. Australian researchers however have designed a prototype [MORE]
Wireless Brain Interface Transmitter
Three years ago, neuroscientists at Brown University released a video of a quadriplegic woman using a brain-machine [MORE]
Silicon Wafer
In the genre of brain-machine interfaces for restoring lost motor function or sending impulses to a prosthetic, ultra [MORE]
What would it take for a paralyzed person to mentally move a robot around a room that was 62 [MORE]